NaPoWriMo – Day 21 (Myth)

I cannot believe we have hit the three-week mark of National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo)! Woohoo! Reading the seriously amazing responses others have to the NaPoWriMo prompts really inspires me to keep at it.

Anyway, today’s NaPoWriMo prompt is: Write a poem that plays with the myth of Narcissus in some way.

I liked the story of Echo in the myth and I originally wanted to do a longer piece for this prompt. However, time is limited so I’m going to go with what I have in my head right now and write more at a later date!

I once asked,
“Why do you love me?”
You said simply,
“Because you love me.”

Your love only an echo of mine,
And sometimes,
I don’t know if I have enough,
for the both of us.


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